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Rise from Cancer Radical Remission Coach


I'm Julia Lee

Your ‘Rise From Cancer’ Coach

Radical Remission Coach & Workshop Instructor

Who Am I?

Welcome to Rise From Cancer. I help women with cancer who have prioritized everyone but themselves, from feeling disempowered and fearful about their diagnosis, to being empowered with lifestyle changes that prioritise self-care, boost their immune system and improve their prognosis.


I offer personalised one-to-one coaching sessions, and in time will offer group coaching and workshops, to support you on your cancer journey and beyond.


I am a certified:

Radical Remission Health Coach & Workshop Instructor

Law of Attraction Coach

Compassion Key Practitioner

Raw Food Coach

Kundalini Yoga Teacher

Julia Lee Radical Remission Coach

My Services

Rise from Cancer Radical Remission Coach

One-to-One Coaching

Group Coaching

Rise from Cancer Radical Remission Coach


Rise from Cancer Radical Remission Coach

Let's Work Together

Get in touch so we can start working together


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Rise from Cancer
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